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The Team

We are women led team of Namibian women who share a vision of a regenerative Namibia that enables people and the planet to thrive through honest, authentic and respectful relationships with ourselves, each other and the natural world. 

Zebras in Etosha national park in Namibia_edited.png

Namibia's Story and Our Vision

Namibia has an ancient history and indigenous wisdom keepers whose culture dates back to a time immemorial. Some of it's cultures are considered 'endangered'. 


Namibia has a wild and violent history and over the last 150 years it has been affected by genocide, ethnocide, colonialism and apartheid. 


It's land is abundant with rare minerals and natural resources and it has a diverse flora and fauna, but many species now face extinction especially with the more extreme heat, storms and drought.  


In 1990 Nambia gained it's independence and became a 'democracy'. It is a country with a young head, a strong heart and an ancient soul. Namibia is rich in resources, and has a population of only 3 million.


Our vision is a grass roots movement to support Namibia to become an example of a regenerative, equitable, circular economic country in which people heal and achieve harmony and the land thrives, rich in diversity. 

Meet The Team

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